In budget 2012-13 interest rate of Employee Provident Fund (EPF) slashed by 1.25% ,this is why the interest rates of Public Provident Fund(PPF) ,National Saving Certificate (NSC) and small savings on Post offices expected to hike from April 1st ‘2012 .
Interest rates of Public Provident Fund (PPF) going to be 9.00% from 8.60% .Govt. increasing this rate to attract small investors .As the interest rate already hiked on last December from 8.00% to 8.60% .The new interest rate will come in public from April 1st.
Govt. thinks that this offer will attract small investors once again and the PPF,NSC and savings on post office once again going to be most popular to public.As govt. slashed the interest rate of EPF from 9.50 % to 8.25% from the financial year 2011-2012.Interest rates of Fixed Deposit may changes to lower from April1st as it will be clear on next week.